Murthy & Co. LLP was established on 28.09.2012. The firm has five practicing Cost Accountants holding FCMA qualification. The firm also has its sister firm namely GNV & Associates with two partners who are also the designated partners in our LLP firm.
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Cost Audits , Reporting on Internal Financial Control System, Cost Records, Distillery Audits under State Excise, Costing Implementation, Co-Operative Society/Banks-Statutory Audit, Standard Costing, Company/LLP Registration, Internal Audit & Management Audit, Audit Assistance...
Our philosophy, principles and values are so strongly weaved in our culture fabric that our beliefs are shared amongst all and which helps us earn our client’s trust and respect.
Our services are aimed at protecting our client's interests. By adopting transparent processes and adhering to highest ethical standards, we ensure client confidentiality and our own credibility.
We are passionate for our client's success. By creating a highly stimulating work environment, working with utmost dedication and commitment and focusing on delivery and execution,
He retired as General Manager (Finance) under VRS scheme from National Textile Corporation (APKK&M) Ltd
She Served BEML Limited, Bangalore, one of the major Public Sector Undertakings under the Ministry of Defence, Govt.
He retired as the Director (Finance) from National Textile Corporation (APKK & M) Ltd.
He retired as the Manager (Finance) in the year 2008 from National Textile Corporation Ltd.